staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


dbaker [14-Dec-1998 @ 15:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:51 +00:00

:: 14-Dec-1998 15:51 (Monday) ::

In an effort to fully test all of the DES components of our network in
prepreparation for DES-II-3, we plan to run a full DES contest
simulation. All clients with DES enabled will autoswitch to DES during
this time as they would in a normal contest.

Purposes of this test contest:

– Allow us to practice the DES-enabling process on the keymaster so
there is no confusion on the morning of January 13th, the actual
contest’s start date

– Test the rapid deployment of DES contest data and blocks across the

– Obtain an accurate network speed estimate, allowing us to predict the
time required to check the keyspace in full during the real contest.

This simulation will begin on Saturday, January 2nd at 09:00 PST and
will run until we find the key. There will be no cash prize associated
with this test run, but your efforts and CPU power will lend a big hand
in helping us prepare for DES-II-3.