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cyp [06-Dec-1998 @ 03:43]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 03:43 +00:00

:: 06-Dec-1998 05:27 (Sunday) ::

Another week, another …, hmm, … er, um, never mind.

After a flurry of activity last weekend, including a from-scratch rewrite
of much of buffwork and quite a bit of bufupd, I bumped the version to 421.
Two more modules that are much cleaner (and saner) now.

I spent the first half of today doing things I hate to do but have to be
done anyway, and most of the rest of the day restructuring the flush code.
To reduce network traffic (theoretically to an eighth of what it used to be,
in RealLife(tm) to about a quarter), flush now coalesces blocks before it
sends them out.

Bovine is pushing me to get dynamic core selection working. Its a real pain
in the you-know-what as long as we are stuck with that ‘orrible bryd stuff.
Besides, I’m strongly against doing clib stuff from child threads (thats my
NetWare background thats talking there). Well, the infrastructure is in
place now – no limits on the number of threads, isolated thread management
routines, one-block-per-cruncher handling, clearly defined lines between
disk and network i/o, and so on and so forth. What it all boils down to
is simply having to knuckle down, buckle down, (and) do it, do it, do it…

More news from this member of the buffalo herd … next week…
Don’t go away…
We’ll be rrrright back…