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dbaker [01-Dec-1998 @ 05:46]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 05:46 +00:00

:: 01-Dec-1998 05:52 (Tuesday) ::

I’m pleased to announce that my rc5des_416 FreeBSD port has made
it into the official FreeBSD 2.2.8-RELEASE distribution. The release
is currently available at

If you’re installing the release and want to have the client setup, select
“misc” from the packages menu and check the box next to “rc5des-416.” If
you’ve already installed the release and want to “build” the client from
the ports, try: “cd /usr/ports/misc/rc5des && make install” as root.

I’ll make an announcement here when 2.2.8 is available on CD from
Walnut Creek.