:: 20-Nov-1998 19:10 (Friday) ::
Anyone even remotely interested in distributed.net has probably been
frustrated at one time or another in having to deal with our quite
deficient statsbox. While statsbox is certainly the most visible
component of the distributed.net network, we’ve had to be conservative.
As we’ve been able to add hardware, we’ve opted to spend our dollars on
the actual keymaster and keyserver network. While a slow statsbox may
be frustrating, a slow keymaster could damage the integrity of the
entire project.
I’m pleased to be able to report that we’re making great progress on
the implementation of a replacement statsbox which will be much better
able to handle the extreme load required to serve up distributed.net’s
statistics. However, none of this is recent news. There is, however,
one detail that has been up in the air. This is also the primary cause
of the delay in implementation.
It’s been well over a year now since we introduced the original
statsbox and the database market has certainly been through some
incredible changes in that time. Most specifically, the recently-
announced Sybase ASE for Linux which brings a real, full-featured,
freely deployable SQL server to the unix world. While there are
attractive offerings from other database vendors, the Sybase license
alone is unique in that it is free for deployment as well as
development work. This is understandably an attractive feature for
distributed.net and its limited financial resources. The fact that the
existing code is all Transact-SQL has made moving to Sybase relatively
painless as well.
While I’ve been pleased with the performance of our existing NT+MSSQL
solution, it has been severely lacking in several areas not the least
of which being ease of remote management. It’s a real burden having to
remotely administrate an NT box that’s 3,000 miles away. This is
probably the most compelling factor influencing the migration to Linux.
Simply put, Unix is a better platform for us. With the now-available
Sybase product, we are no longer tied to NT and MSSQL.
Although there are still technical wrinkles to work out, I’m finally
comfortable enough that the Linux+Sybase solution is a viable
alternative for us, and as a result I now feel safe in announcing our
intentions. In other words, this is why it’s taking so long. :)
In measuring the performance of the Sybase/Linux installation, I’ve
found it to be close enough to the performance of NT+MSSQL to make
the migration quite painless from a capacity standpoint. So,
we take no performance hit and we gain the stability, ease of remote
management, and far greater flexibility provided by a unix solution.
More details will follow as things progress. Thanks again, everyone,
for your incredible patience and understanding. I know how frustrating
it’s been with the slow statsbox. Expect rapid progress.