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cyp [22-Nov-1998 @ 15:34]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 15:34 +00:00

:: 22-Nov-1998 16:31 (Sunday) ::

moo. Finally got around to cleaning up cliconfig. What a humdinger. I haven’t
implemented the changes in the problem loader or buffer handler yet, but will
do so later tonight.

-runoffline, -runbuffers, -frequent, -run, -n (blockcount=) are among the
options that have changed meaning or (as is the case with -run) are simply
shorthand combinations of other options.

The changes, from the users perspective, are minor:
a) blockcount can now be -1 which indicates ‘exit when buffers are empty
AND cannot be refilled’. This is similar to the behavior of the old
-runbuffers switch with the exception that it can also be used when
networking *is* enabled. In other words, blockcount=-1 is equivalent to
saying, ‘don’t ever generate random blocks’.
b) -runbuffers is now exactly the same as blockcount=-1. It does not
touch online/off-line mode.
c) -runoffline is now a pure network switch and won’t spontaneously combust
just because runbuffers happens to be on the command line as well.
-runoffline can can now be counterbalanced by -runonline.
d) -frequent has changed only in its description. What ‘frequent’ does is
not go online frequently as it had been previously described, but check
buffers frequently (to ensure that they are never totally empty). This
option is meaningless when running offline.
e) -run is obsolete and implies -runonline and -n 0. As you see, this is
not exactly the same as it was before inasfar as the -n switch is
concerned. However, the *effect* is the same since -run continues to
counterbalance the effect of runoffline=1 and runbuffers=1.