:: 20-Nov-1998 04:51 (Friday) ::
Another very productive day in statsbox-ii land. I spend most of the
day fiddling with the em_RANKing code from the old statsbox. Now that
I’ve built a golden participants table, and imported a huge chunk of
rc5-64 activity (start through mid-october) I actually have enough
data to start doing things. Remember, since we’ve moved to a
participant IDs system, *all* the code needs to change in one way
or another, so this is a pretty big undertaking. ID #’s were assigned
chronologically, starting with the rc5-56 logs.
Anyway, I’ve got the code that does the overall and yesterday
participant rankings wrapped up. It’s not optimized, but it’s
functional. Time to run dropped from 1:27 on the current stats
hardware to just under 22 minutes on the new hardware, and I’m
thinking that with additional tweaks I can get that under 15 minutes
if not cut it in half.
I’ve also been able to add stuff as well, for instance you will now
have the ability to cause your email to not display on the stats
site. Instead of “user@domain.com” you can have yourself listed
as “Participant #[x]” instead. While I really hope that this does
not become a commonly-used feature, I do recognize that there are
people with privacy concerns for who this is a necessary feature.
I’d certainly prefer to see people using this feature instead of
reverting to @hotmail.com-style shields.
And last, and possibly most importantly, the email retire_to feature
is fully implemented as well. This will allow people who are changing
email addresses to carry over their old blocks to their new email
address. Without a doubt, this has been the singlemost requested
feature for the stats site. Unfortunately, until I moved to a
participant ID structure, it was not technically feasible.
More big news soon, so keep your eyes open. It’s just starting to
get exciting!