staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [05-Oct-1998 @ 19:40]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 19:40 +00:00

:: 05-Oct-1998 19:50 (Monday) ::

Not much to report, really. Just thought I’d indulge in a moment of vanity
and report that the weekend in Indianapolis was a resounding success. Had
a great time at paulf’s birthday party, ate good food, drank good beer,
enjoyed good company.

Note to self: when trying to surprise paul, make sure to clear utmp/wtmp
after logging in so he can’t tell you last connected from an ISP in urbana.
It kinda spoils the surprise.

We received the second quarter eyegive cheque while I was out of town,
I expect to make the deposit and update the register some time this week.
The cheque is for $2,433.41. That and a $50 donation from Alex Ranaldi
(mocha/darkone/c0wie) plus the money we spent on nodezero will all hit
on soon.

Today has been hfdirect day. Not only did I knock off early on Friday,
but I was less than productive for the time I was here. Just playing

No stats news, although from Silby’s plan it looks like I’ll be in
business really soon! Go Silby Go Silby Go! — be there!