staff blogs staff keep (relatively) up-to-date logs of their activities in .plan files. These were traditionally available via finger, but we've put them on the web for easier consumption.


nugget [27-Sep-1998 @ 20:08]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 20:08 +00:00

:: 27-Sep-1998 20:12 (Sunday) ::

It looks as if the last small nodezero issues are finally wrapping up
and I’m preparing myself to get back into statsbox mode once again.
Just a few more minor issues to resolve on my to-do list and we’re
back into statsbox-ii issues with a vengeance.

The reports of password mailer issues reached a peak this past week,
so I’ve moved the mailer .cgi’s from their former home here at to nodezero. The machine tha has been handling password
mailing for the past several months is less-than-healthy and I’m
hoping that the new home on a stable, well-connected machine will
resolve the majority of the problems we’re seeing. If you’ve had
difficulty getting your password, now is a good time to test the
script again.

It’s exciting to see the finger server attract attention. Thanks,
everyone, for being so nosy. :)

bovine [27-Sep-1998 @ 10:52]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 10:52 +00:00

:: 27-Sep-1998 10:53 (Sunday) ::

nothing interesting to report, really. :)

vetere [27-Sep-1998 @ 07:41]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 07:41 +00:00

:: 27-Sep-1998 07:42 (Sunday) ::

Do not abuse this. Yes, it caches.


vetere [26-Sep-1998 @ 17:20]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 17:20 +00:00

:: 26-Sep-1998 17:21 (Saturday) ::

Creating a little perl ditty that graphically displays DNS LOC info on a map of the Earth. When it’s done, it should be a lot nicer lookin’ than the Government’s Tiger server, which I’ve tried to interface with before.

dbaker [26-Sep-1998 @ 05:19]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 05:19 +00:00

:: 26-Sep-1998 05:20 (Saturday) ::

I am working on regenerating the keymaster logs for Sep 22. I plan
to give them to Nugget on Monday so they will make it into that
day’s stats run.


dbaker [25-Sep-1998 @ 23:10]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 23:10 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 23:11 (Friday) ::

The keymaster log volume is in need of expansion. If you
have a 4gig UWSCSI disk that you would be interested in donating
to, please contact me.

nugget [25-Sep-1998 @ 21:47]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:47 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 22:04 (Friday) ::

Now that a handful of people have used planman, it looks as if the
code is actually quite functional and stable. I’ve just put the
finishing touches on an http<-->finger gateway which you can view at

Although it’s really gadgety and has been a nice relaxing mini-
project to fiddle with today, I really do see these .plan files
as a valuable and useful tool for

One of my biggest concerns about the community is
that our culture and mindset is *very* inaccessible to people who
cannot or choose not to hang out on IRC. Since
was born in IRC and has grown and matured in IRC, we do have a
habit of using IRC as a primary means of communicating and
announcing events.

Right now the user base is split between those who
routinely interact with the organizers on IRC and
those who only hear about news via the web site and through the
sporadic postings to the announcements mailing list.

There is a large slice of information that’s not appropriate for
a mailing list posting, and never makes it on the web site, but
is still worthwhile and adds to the sense of community that we
all (should) feel. Little things like what progress has been made
on the new statsbox, or how the mmx rc5 core testing is coming along.

Being “in the loop” on these issues is important and we need a
way for this type of information to be available without requiring
a person to learn or use IRC. This is my goal for the .plan files.
This is an attempt to broaden our sense of community beyond the
confines of efnet.

I’ll be the first to admit that I shamelessly stole this idea from
the 3d gaming community. Using these exact same tools has allowed
a much larger user base to stay in touch with and develop a strong
sense of ownership and communal psyche. I can only hope we are
as successful as they have been.

If you have comments or insight into how we can better handle our
phenomenal growth, I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Thanks again and keep those cows cracking!

alde [25-Sep-1998 @ 21:09]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:09 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 21:09 (Friday) ::

If you cannot connect to, try:

9/24/98 +5.92%
9/25/98 +1.60%

vetere [25-Sep-1998 @ 21:04]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 21:04 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 21:05 (Friday) ::

Dealing with the transfer of to nodezero and overhauling the
site… slowly…

Also listening to lots of Cocteau twins.

chrisb [25-Sep-1998 @ 14:51]

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 14:51 +00:00

:: 25-Sep-1998 14:56 (Friday) ::

I’ve finally got round to building the RISC OS GUI, in the hope that I can
fix the icon, moo, and graphs. The icon and moo are now working, but I have
to wait for a few blocks to complete before I can start work on the graph

The x86 card stuff should hopefully be coming my way next week, so now all
I have to do is find a card and all should be fab & groovy.

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