:: 30-Sep-1998 03:42 (Wednesday) ::
Today managed to be a pretty good day, goal-wise. I got the majority
of the tasks on my task-list completed and things seem to be running
quite well.
1. I kept my boss happy at hfdirect and earned another day’s pay.
2. I’ve completely written the letter to be mailed to the IRS and
have complied all the necessary enclosures with the exception
of the final Form 1023, which should be a breeze to finish as
it differs only slightly from the last one I sent. Should go
out the door tomorrow.
3. After wrestling with apache for several hours, it looks as if
I’ve convinced mod_auth_mysql to play well with php3.0.3 and
the new httpd is installed and in service. It’s in bovine’s
hands now to do something with them.
5. InterNIC change request was submitted.
8. I feel worlds better now than I did this morning, although
I’m still reluctant to eat much more than saltines and 7Up.
So, what item’s have not been completed:
4. I’ve sluffed this one off onto dbaker. Not my problem now.
6. Statsbox-II didn’t get touched today, and probably won’t again
tomorrow. I would like to mention that last Friday we received an
additional 64Mb RAM for Statsbox-II thanks to the generous donation
of Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy. Thanks, G-Man!
7. Still no idea what to buy paulf for his birthday.
On a completely unrelated note, assuming nothing major explodes, I’m
going to be in attendance at the 1998 Atlanta Linux Showcase on October
23-24. I’m still not certain if I’ll be there on Friday and Saturday
or just on Saturday, but I’m going to swing for both days. If you’re
also going to be in town for the event, let me know… For further
details on the conference, see http://www.ale.org/showcase/